A detector is initially 10 meters from a sound source and moving toward it at 37 m/s. The source emits a sound at a constant frequency of 240 Hz. Sound ceases when the detector reaches the source.
Assume that sound travels at 340 m/s.
The detector requires 10 meters /( 37 m/s) = .2702 seconds to reach the source; the first sound requires 10 m / (340 m/s) = .02941 seconds to reach the detector.
The first pulse received at the 10 meter distance was thus emitted .02941 seconds before its detection, while the last pulse is emitted at the detector and is therefore detected immediately. So the detector observes all the pulses emitted while it travels to the source, plus those emitted in the .02941 seconds required by the first pulse to reach it:
During the .2996 seconds the number of pulses emitted is .2996 sec * 240 cycles/sec = 71.9 pulses. Thus 71.9 pulses are received in the .2702 seconds during which the detector approaches the source, and the observed frequency is
If a detector moving toward an observer at velocity vObserver, and if sound travels at velocity vSound, then in any time interval `dt the detector will move distance
A sound pulse will travel the distance vObserver * `dt in time
Let A be the position of the detector at the beginning of the time interval `dt, and B its position at the end of the interval. The pulses that already exist between A and B, plus all the pulses emitted during the `dt seconds, will all arrive at B during the `dt seconds. To obtain the observed frequency we therefore need only determine the number of pulses between A and B, and the number emitted during the time interval.
- number of pulses passing B in `dt seconds: f * `dt + f * `dt * vObserver / vSound = f * `dt (1 + vObserver / vSound).
We therefore have observed frequency equal to the number of pulses divided by `dt: